Monday, May 20, 2013

Why I Am A Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Hi I'm Stephanie. I'm a political activist, a natural birth advocate, a writer, thinker, wife, sister, daughter, friend, and I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I am passionate about improving preserving and protecting parental authority and the integrity of the family in our society by monitoring state and local legislation for its impact on the family. I have organized a state grass roots organization to promote policies that will preserve our children's innocence and dignity and protect parental authority and influence in their children's life and education. I am passionate about natural childbirth and I am a trained Doula (Professional Birth Assistant).Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers - strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength. On a lighter note...I have many hobbies. I love to quilt, scrapbook, cook, write, talk, teach, and read my scriptures and other classic

Why I Believe!

I was born to faithful Latter-day Saint parents who taught me faith in Christ through their actions, service through their good works, obedience through their diligence, and love through their Christ-like character. My father was a man of honor and my mother was a woman of stalwart faith, my parents held tight to the teachings of the scriptures and modern prophets. They were obedient to the commandments of God and believed in the promises of God, that if they would follow Christ their family would be protected in this world and that we would be together as a family forever in the next. I trusted my parents completely; I felt the truth of their words as they bore testimony to me of the Church and the prophet Joseph Smith. I have often tried to pinpoint the moment that I received my own testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ and his gospel. I was a child blessed with a continual witness of the truth and I have come to realize that my testimony came every time I read the scriptures with my family, every time we prayed as a family, it came with every testimony born with the power of the Holy Spirit, it came through observation of the many healthy happy families surrounding me, including my own. It seems to me as if I have always known. Although I have always known, I have not always followed, that I had to choose to do on my own, my parents could teach me but I had to choose for myself if I would believe, if I would follow. When I was young I thought it was hard to be a Mormon, living the standards of the church made me different then all the other kids, it was hard to fit in. At one point in my youth I turned away from what I knew because I was tired of the sacrifice it required of me. What I learned was that the burden of sin is much heavier than the cross. I decided then that I would not turn my back again, but that I would follow Him.

Why/How do you share the gospel with your friends?

One reason I share the gospel with my friends is because I want them to know me better, being Mormon is a big part of who I am...there is just no way that you can build meaningful friendships with people who don't know anything about what makes you tick. Gospel discussions with my friends most often begin because my faith in the restoration of the gospel is such a big part of who I am and if they want to know me they are just going to have to get a little more familiar with that part of me. When I have shared the gospel in more depth with a friend it has been out of love and concern for them and their struggles and obstacles in life. I remember the first time I felt this out pouring of love and desire to share the message of the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a was in high school. One night as I was talking with this close friend, she began to cry, "why are you so happy?" she cried, "I want to be happy? I feel so alone, so unhappy, so scared." This friend of mine had been suffering with some very difficult challenges and I desired with all my heart to wipe her tears aways and make things better for her. In that moment I could think of nothing else I could possibly do for her that would have the power to wipe away her tears than to share the source of my happiness and peace, and so I did. To me sharing the gospel with my friends is the only way to be a true friend. How could a true friend withhold something that would wipe away tears, loneliness, and pain, and replace it with the sweetest peace and joy I have ever known. I could not be a true friend and withhold this from a friend.

How has the Book of Mormon brought you closer to God?

I love the Book of Mormon it has filled my life with peace, comfort, and strength. It is the key to my testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ in these last days. The Book of Mormon contains some of the most powerful passages of scripture that testify of Christ of any volume of holy writ. The ancient prophets of the Book of Mormon were the contemporaries of the prophet Jeremiah; they both lived the Law of Moses and prophesied of the coming of Christ. The prophet Lehi, living 600 years before the birth of Christ, left his testimony with his children before his death, "And Notwithstanding we believe in Christ, we keep the Law of Moses, and look forward with steadfastness unto Christ, until the law shall be fulfilled. For, for this end was the law given...and we talk of Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ...that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." (2 Nephi 25:25-26" The Book of Mormon strengthens my faith in my Savior and expands my understanding of His mission. The Book of Mormon is plain, it's translation uncorrupted, and the precious truths of the Gospel are made clear in its pages. The purpose of the book is to testify that we "must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men...feasting on the word of Christ, and endure to the end...There is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby men can be saved in the Kingdom of God." This is the power of the book that has touched the hearts of millions throughout the world and has been the rock upon which my testimony of Jesus Christ is built. If you will read this book with an open mind and real intent to know if it is true, your heart will be filled with the witness of the spirit, as mine has. I know this is true, because the book is a companion to the other testaments of Christ we have received through ancient prophets and the apostles of the New Testament.
How I live my faith

Our family motto is: "We Serve God by Serving Others" In the church I have had many opportunities to serve over the years, mostly with the youth. My favorite church service has been the times when I have been called to teach. I love teaching the Gospel of Christ, I love the study and the wonderful class discussions. I have learned as much as I have taught. The most important way I live my faith is by being tuned into the needs of those around me. It is such a tragedy when someone suffers in loneliness and feels that there is no one who cares, no one to lean on. I have received such love and care from members of my church in my times of need, and I do my best to do the same when I see someone who is struggling. This is probably the thing I love most about being a Mormon, the fellowship with those in the church and the support and encouragement that I have received throughout my life by so many selfless people who have been sensitive to my needs and struggles. There is a wonderful feeling of family and love within the church that from what I can tell is unique in the world.

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